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Resources For Recipients


Semester Reminders

1. Submit Pre-Authorization Form (course number, title, and number of credits) at least 2-3 weeks before you register for classes each term.

2. Send Form B: Book Reimbursement/Tuition claim with receipts within 30 days of the first day of each term.

*NOTE: You can purchase books from anywhere, not just the college bookstore. You may be able to find the book at a lower price if you check Amazon or use a comparison tool, like SlugBooks or Cheapest Textbooks. Comparison tools allow you to search for the book by title, ISBN, etc, and then provides all purchasing options with price comparison to help you find the least expensive option.

3. Submit grades when classes are complete and within 30 days of the last day of each term.

4. Submit Form C: Release Time Reimbursement within 30 days of the last day of each term.

Yearly Reminders​

1. Complete an information update form when finishing a new contract.

a. Submit a new wage report (pay stub or FCCP Income Worksheet).

b. Submit new STARS, NAEYC or NAFCC accreditation certificates as applicable.

2. If renewing your contract:

a. Sign and submit new contract.

b. Reapply for FAFSA or VSAC Advancement Grant (for Apprenticeship or VT-HEC options) each school year and submit results to your counselor.

Financial Aid Information

The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) program at VSAC serves adults who don’t yet have a 4-year college degree. Most adults served through EOC are the first in their families to go to college and have financial barriers to pursuing their goals beyond high school. VSAC EOC counselors throughout the state help with career exploration, education and training options, and financial aid applications. Call 877-961-4369 to schedule an appointment or visit VSAC’s website to learn more and find a counselor in your region!

Success Stories​

Did you have a positive experience with T.E.A.C.H.?

 We want to hear from you! 

Your story can help inspire other early childhood educators to take the leap. Download the Success Story Template and email it to: teachearlychildhoodvermont@vtaeyc.org.

For More Information:

Please see the Frequently Asked Questions below, watch the recording of the informational webinar, or contact us at teachearlychildhooodvermont@vtaeyc.org, or call (802) 234-1090, ext 1.

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont is a licensed program of Child Care Services Association.,

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