Now Accepting Applications for Summer 2025!
Applications for Summer 2025 are open for all scholarship models! Make sure you are ready to apply by clicking the button below! Please contact if you wish to apply for the VTSU/Castleton Peer Review Portfolio Course Scholarship.

TEACH Early Childhood® Vermont
Scholarship Program
When Early Childhood Educators Succeed, Everyone Wins.
TEACH (Teacher Education and Compensation Helps) Early Childhood® Vermont Scholarship Program is a comprehensive scholarship program that provides the early childhood workforce access to debt-free educational opportunities and is helping to establish a well-qualified, fairly compensated, and stable workforce for our children in Vermont. TEACH is administered by the Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC).

Uplifting Quality of Care
Supporting early childhood educators to access education in their field empowers them to deliver higher quality of care to the children and families they serve.
Strengthening the Workforce
Increasing the earning power of early childhood educators attracts more people to the field, enables them to stick with the work they’re passionate about, helps prevent stress and burnout, and reduces turnover. All of this results in a better experience for children and families utilizing child care.

The Five Components
Comprehensive Scholarship. TEACH covers 100% of tuition and book fees, and provides a stipend to help with the costs of attending classes. Your sponsoring child care program is required to give you paid release time to attend class, study, or handle personal needs.
College Education. Earn college credits toward a degree or licensure in early childhood education.
Compensation. Earn a raise or bonus after successfully completing your scholarship contract.
Commitment. You agree to continue working at your current program for at least one more year following the completion of your contract.
Counseling. Get support from TEACH Counselors in navigating the college process and TEACH paperwork, including scholarship management and career development.
Program Details
Scholarships cover a portion of tuition, books, paid time off during classes, and includes a stipend to cover related expenses. This Program also awards recipients with a financial bonus upon completion of required credits.
Recipients must complete 9-15 college credits, commit to remaining at their employer for a minimum of 3 months, and to remain in a registered or licensed early childhood program regulated by the CDD for an additional 9 months after the completion of this contract.
Employer Contributions
Employers sponsor recipients by awarding them an annual raise and/or bonus upon completion of the required credits. Many scholarship models also give employer-sponsored paid time off from work to complete required coursework.
Scholarship Models
Ready to Apply?
After determining which Scholarship Model is right for your career goals, complete the steps below.
Open application periods are:
Summer 2025 Term:
March 24th, 2025- April 25th, 2025
Please expect to hear back from us within two weeks once you have submitted your application.

Apply to your College
View the College Resource Directory for information about the Early Childhood Education Programs offered at participating Vermont colleges.
Please note, apprenticeship candidates should apply for the CCV Childcare Certificate.

Gather Documents
Please ensure that all documentation clearly displays your name.
- Course Registration Documents
- FAFSA & VSAC Verification
- Income Verification (Paystub)
- Program License Number and BFIS Number

Complete an Application
Once the pre-steps are completed, you will be ready to apply. Applications for Summer 2025 open on March 24, 2025.

For Recipients
View the information, tools, forms, and resources available to recipients. These supports will assist you in navigating the requirements of the Program.

For Sponsor Programs
View the documents, resources, and additional benefits available to those who agree to become a Sponsor Program.

Annual Reports
The TEACH National Center publishes an Annual Report, State Profile Compendiums, and other reports that share current Vermont state outcomes.
For More Information:
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions below, watch the recording of the informational webinar, or contact us at, or call (802) 234-1090, ext 1.
TEACH Early Childhood® Vermont is a licensed program of Early Years. A Comprehensive Approach to Enhancing Early Care and Education.