Project Resources
Kits, publications, videos, and core documents to build awareness of the work to advance early childhood education as a profession—and why it matters.
Explainers, Toolkits, and Flyers
Click The Image or Button To View And Download

Range of Licenses to Practice Explainer
Why the ECE profession needs the nationally recommended range of licenses, and clarity around how our proposal aligns with current systems of educator licensure.

Act 76 Explainer
How Act 76 supports an early childhood education profession - and what the new 2023 law does and does not do.

Professional Identity Toolkit: Who We Are and What We Do
Samples, resources, and a thought board to support implementing a professional identity as early childhood educators.
Implementation Recommendations
How will it work? These are Vermont-specific implementation recommendations to support the transition to the new profession for today’s workforce, and pathways into the workforce for tomorrow’s early childhood educators.
Social Media Toolkit: Using Your Digital Voice
A toolkit to support early childhood educators as digital advocates on social media. Developed by Let’s Grow Kids in partnership with VTAEYC.
Our Recommendations to the State of Vermont
Social Media Assets
Our ECE Profession Posts and Videos You May Download And Share
ECE Profession FAQs
Social tiles and reels with our most frequently asked questions about how the ECE Profession will work—and answers from our recommendations.
Teaching And Learning Through Play
Tiles showing how early childhood educators use play to help children learn about themselves and their world.
"I Am An ECE"
Photos of Vermont early childhood educators at work, with quotes from Vermont workforce members about what it means to be an early childhood educator.
Popular Tiles and Reels
The ECE Profession initiative’s most affirming, most liked, and most shared social media tiles and reels.
Charts and Graphics

Workforce-led Engagement Graphic
This graphic shows this project’s quantitative engagement with Vermont’s early childhood education workforce and stakeholders.

Proposed Minimum Compensation Scale
This chart featuring our design team’s compensation research and recommendations was shared in the 2022 professional development session “Advancing Early Childhood Education as a Profession: What’s the Latest?”

OPR's Recommended Timeline
In response to “How long will this take?” this graphic shows the timeline recommended by the State’s Office of Professional Recognition (OPR) for phasing in the profession.
Consensus Documents
The Task Force's Publications on How Vermont Aligns With the Recommendations in The Unifying Framework

Information Sessions and Professional Development
Recordings and Recaps
Virtual Advancing as a Profession professional development sessions are saved to our Youtube playlist after we no longer offer that session. Most are available in both full-length and 20-minute brief versions. You can explore all past offerings in our playlist.
The videos here are info sessions, some of which are embedded in current and past professional development sessions:

“The Legislative Process” Understanding how model legislation eventually becomes law with Let’s Grow Kids’ Chief Policy Officer Sarah Kenney.

“The Role of Higher Ed in Advancing as a Profession” Dr. Kaitie Northey describes how ECE preparation programs support the initiative through a study group created to improve collaboration and alignment with NAEYC’s Professional Standards and Competencies.

“Minimum Compensation Standards” A presentation from Sherry Carlson on the Design Team’s compensation research and recommendations. From 2022; numbers to be updated.
Five-Minute Videos
Brief Videos On Core Concepts of The Unifying Framework
VTAEYC publishes short videos to help illustrate core concepts of The Unifying Framework. View our playlist of short videos, which also includes short videos celebrating the early childhood educators leading the effort.

Core Documents
Publications That Inform Our Work
- The Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession, Power to the Profession, 2020
- Unifying Framework Backgrounder (Commission, 2023)
- FAQ on Aligning to the Unifying Framework (Commission, 2023)
- Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators, NAEYC, 2019
- Increasing Qualifications, Centering Equity: Experiences and Advice from Early Childhood Educators of Color, NAEYC, 2019
- Transforming the Workforce For Children Birth Through Age Eight: A Unifying Foundation, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2015
- Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, NAEYC, revised 2005, reaffirmed and updated 2011
- “You can’t have professionals without a profession,” (New America Weekly) and other research, posts, and presentations by Stacie Goffin
- “Early Childhood Education Professional Recognition Act: Summary of ECE Professional Licensure Legislation and Regulations,” Commission on Professional Excellence in Early Childhood Education, 2023
Publications Informed By Our Work
- Vermont Early Care and Education Financing Study: Final Report, RAND Corporation, 2023
- “Implementing an ‘Audacious Vision’: A Collaborative Approach Across Vermont Higher Education Programs”, Young Children, Summer 2023 [written by Kaitlin Northey and Susan Titterton; NAEYC membership required to read]
More Publications and Commentaries
- “Investing in early childhood educators is a lever of change”, Staci Otis and Susan Titterton, 2021 op-ed in
- “Celebrate visibility. It’s what’s best for young children”, Sharron Harrington, 2023 op-ed in
- “Giving voice to our educator identity”, Jen Olson, 2024 op-ed in Addison Independent
- “I belong to the next generation of early childhood educators. Vermont needs us,” Alora Zargo, 2024 op-ed in

Looking For Supports?
VTAEYC offers career supports, scholarships, grants, and bonuses and can connect you with additional opportunities.
No- or low-cost credential opportunities, combined with your experience can help you transition to ECE I, II, or III.