VT ECE Apprenticeship
Get the Support You Need to Succeed
VTAEYC and the VT Department of Labor collaborate to offer the Vermont Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program for early childhood educators seeking education and experience in the field.
Employers who are interested in supporting an apprentice team, match the apprentice with a qualified mentor, who is an educated and experienced employee in their workplace.
Apprentices build competencies and skills through supervised on-the-job training, complete a specific sequence of 6-7 college courses, and participate in additional community-based trainings to gain the knowledge and skills needed to work more effectively.

Apprentices come from a variety of backgrounds. Typically they are individuals new to the field and/or individuals who have not had formal education in early childhood education. Apprentices must commit to fully participating in the training program.

- Must be currently employed for a minimum of 30 hours per week in a licensed public or private early childhood education program
- Must have a high school diploma or GED or be a student in a high school or technical center who is enrolled in a course of study that includes an employer/employee relationship within the community
- Commit to on-the-job training with a qualified mentor in their workplace for support, observations, assessment, and guidance
- Work with a mentor to build competencies and skills through supervised work, which can typically be completed within two years of full-time employment
- Earn 18-21 college credits through 6-7 college courses, typically one per semester, over a 2-year+ period
- Attend community based trainings that address specific needs in the early childhood education setting.

- Support and guidance from a qualified mentor at their workplace
- Earn 18-21 credits through 6-7 college courses
- Comprehensive T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont scholarship that covers tuition, textbooks, paid release time, and access stipends
- Paid a bonus upon successful completion of each T.E.A.C.H. scholarship contract
- Gain additional skills and knowledge from required community based training
- Gather all the tools needed to complete their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential in apprenticeship, if desired
- Earn a Certificate of Completion as an Early Childhood Educator from the Department of Labor
- Become eligible to earn a Level IIIA certificate on the Northern Lights Career Ladder
- May be eligible for a bonus from the Child Development Division upon successful completion of apprenticeship
Mentors are experienced head teachers, assistant directors, program coordinators, directors, and others who have agreed to provide guidance and support to the apprentice. Mentors have extensive experience working with young children and have a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field. They are willing to provide ongoing support and on-the-job mentoring to the apprentice, and submit monthly documentation of observations and assessments to VTAEYC.

- Have the experience and education to enable them to be a good role model
- Have an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a minimum of Level IIIB on the Northern Lights Career Ladder
- Be willing to share their experience and expertise with a co-worker
- Complete weekly activities such as formal assessments and meetings with your apprentice to discuss your observations
- Agree that supervision and assessment within the Apprenticeship program will be part of their work. VTAEYC cares about the development of early childhood educators at all levels and works to ensure the framework meets the needs of the “apprentice team”. Both are truly partners learning and working together.
- Must work on-site with the apprentice they are mentoring

- Attend mentor training at no cost with the option to receive credit
- Develop leadership and mentoring skills while supporting their apprentice mentee
- Use their knowledge and experience to support and guide their mentee’s professional development and examine best practices for working with children from a new perspective
- Are eligible for stipends up to $1500 annually for timely completion of mentoring activities and submission of documentation to VTAEYC by the 10th of each month
- Receive the appreciation for a job well done and growth as a leader in your profession!
Frequently Asked Questions
Apprentices are employed in early childhood programs and have the desire to gain knowledge and improve their skills through a formal training program. This involves on-the-job training with a mentor in their workplace and completing related instruction (6 or 7 college courses) and required community-based trainings. Apprentices must commit to fully participate in the training program and meet the eligibility requirements of the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship.
Apprentices are employed in early childhood programs and have the desire to gain knowledge and improve their skills through a formal training program. This involves on-the-job training with a mentor in their workplace and completing related instruction (6 or 7 college courses) and required community-based trainings. Apprentices must commit to fully participate in the training program and meet the eligibility requirements of the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship.
Apprentices must:
- Be currently employed for a minimum of 30 hours per week in a Vermont licensed child care program or Agency of Education setting with a qualified mentor available on site.
- Be at least 18 years of age with a High School Diploma or GED, or be at least 16 and enrolled in a high school or technical center course of study that includes employment within the community.
- Have the ability to enroll as a CCV student and access the courses.
- Have the support of their employer to share the cost of the T.E.A.C.H. Apprenticeship Scholarship.
- Have been working at their current employer 90 days prior to signing a T.E.A.C.H. contract.
- Commit to continue working at their present program for one year after each T.E.A.C.H. contract.
- Receive the support of their employer to participate in the Vermont Early Childhood Apprenticeship program.
- Receive support and guidance from a qualified mentor at their worksite.
- Gain additional skills and knowledge from required community based training.
- Earn 18-21 credits through successful completion of the six or seven college courses.
- Have the option to complete their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, during their time in apprenticeship.
- Are allocated 3 hours of paid release time through their employers for each week they are in class.
- Receive access stipends, reimbursement towards textbooks and tuition support.
- Receive a bonus for each successfully completed T.E.A.C.H. scholarship contract.
Apprentices can apply to join the Apprenticeship Program and begin working with their mentor at any time. Your specific schedule for starting college courses will depend on various criteria such as:
- The schedule for your entry into college courses through Community College of VT (CCV).
- The processing of application paperwork from the apprentice, mentor, and employer.
- The availability of T.E.A.C.H. scholarships which are issued as funding is available.
For information on joining the Vermont Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program, visit T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont or the Career Advancement Team at with specific questions at teachearlychildhooodvermont@vtaeyc.org or (802) 234-1090, ext. 1.
New sponsors join us every year. When seeking employment, or once you are hired at a licensed child care program, please talk with the director about your interest in the Vermont Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program. Together you can determine whether they might be interested in sponsoring you as an apprentice.
You can explore potential employers that have participated in sponsoring child care apprentices on the VT Department of Labor’s Sponsor List.
Co-pays are covered through 2023! Full tuition and books are paid for by T.E.A.C.H.
Tuition, book, access, release time, and bonus supports are included in the T.E.A.C.H. scholarship. Please refer to the Financial Example: Typical Annual T.E.A.C.H. Apprenticeship Contract. This document is intended to be used for informational purposes only.
VT Early Childhood Apprentices are required to apply for the VSAC Vermont Advancement Grant and notify VTAEYC/T.E.A.C.H. VT of their financial aid decision.
Courses will be offered directly through CCV and apprentices are expected to attend one course per semester. Over the course of apprenticeship, apprentices will take:
- Dimensions of Self and Society (when applicable)*
- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- Communication in the Early Childhood Education and Afterschool Workplace
- Child Development
- Supporting Young Children with Diverse Abilities
- Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education
- Leadership, Mentoring and Supervision for Early Childhood and Afterschool Practitioners
Participants earn 3 credits from CCV upon successful completion of each course.
*This course requirement may be waived for students who have successfully completed 5 or more college courses. In order to determine this, your CCV advisor must review your transcript.
Mentors are experienced head teachers, assistant directors, program coordinators, directors, and others who have agreed to provide guidance and support to the apprentice.
- Have the experience and education to enable them to serve as role models and resources.
- Have a associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a minimum of Level IIIB on the Northern Lights Career Ladder.
- Desire the opportunity to mentor and commit to supporting an apprentice for the full term of the apprenticeship program, 2+ years. This includes formal observations and meetings with the apprentice to discuss observations and strategies to build skills on the job.
- Work in the same regulated child care program setting (as the apprentice) for at least 30 hours per week and are readily available to support the apprentice through both formal and informal mentoring.
- Attend mentor training, offered at no cost with option to receive credit
- Develop leadership and mentoring skills while supporting an apprentice
- Use their knowledge and experience to guide their mentee’s professional development and examine best practices for working with children from a new perspective
- Are eligible for stipends up to $1500 annually for timely completion of mentoring activities and submission of documentation to VTAEYC by the 10th of each month
- Receive the appreciation for a job well done!
No, to meet VT Department of Labor requirements, apprentices and mentors must work in the same regulated child care program. This allows facilitation of regular assessment of on the job skills and guidance through this professional journey. Apprentices and mentors must have the support of their employer to participate.
Sponsors are employers who agree to support an apprentice/mentor team in the Vermont Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program. The program must be a Vermont regulated child care or Agency of Education setting, with no unresolved violations within the last 12 months, or history of recurring violations, as defined by Child Development Division licensing regulations. Programs must be participating in, or willing to participate in, a quality initiative such as STARS, Head Start or NAEYC/NAFCC accreditation. Sponsors may have up to two employees on active T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships.
- Need qualified mentors on site who are willing to work closely with less experienced staff.
- Commit to the process of ongoing professional development for their staff members.
- Should think carefully about which staff members would be a good match for this on-the-job training program and scholarship model.
- Ensure that the apprentice/mentor team has adequate release time during the regular work week for on-the-job support, including regular observations/assessments and meetings.
- Agree to a progressive wage scale during and upon completion of the program, as prescribed in the Standards of Apprenticeship approved by the VT Department of Labor.
- Enter into a T.E.A.C.H. scholarship contract for each year their apprentice is in class.
- Provide 3 hours/week of paid release time for each apprentice during school terms.
- Ensure their apprentices receive a 1.5% pay increase upon successful completion of each T.E.A.C.H. contract.
- Provide proof of participation, or willingness to participate, in a quality initiative such as STARS, Head Start, or NAEYC/NAFCC accreditation.
- Benefit from participating staff members building strong and open relationships; stronger teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills.
- Completed apprentices are able to attain a Level IIIA certificate on the Northern Lights Career Ladder and each college course earns 45 hours of professional development.
- Benefit from participants engaging in reflective practices, which will enhance staff’s quality over time.
- Benefit from a more skilled and better educated staff; completing Apprenticeship qualifies employees as Teacher Associates under Child Development Division licensing regulations.
- Sign, with their apprentice, a contract with T.E.A.C.H., which states apprentices will stay at their employer for one year after the end of each educational contract.
- Receive partial reimbursement for the 3 hours/week of paid release time granted to Apprentices.
The Vermont Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program (VECEAP) is managed in collaboration with the VT Department of Labor, through the efforts of Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC) and T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont. As a statewide, not-for-profit organization, VTAEYC blends state and federal funding, private foundation and community grants, membership dues and private donations to benefit apprenticeship. VTAEYC funds will contribute to the T.E.A.C.H. Apprenticeship scholarship cost. VTAEYC conducts outreach and orientation, provides materials for apprentice/mentor teams, maintains files, collects monthly documentation from apprentices and mentors, and offers support to all participants throughout the course of the apprenticeship program.
Teacher Education And Compensation Helps (T.E.A.C.H.) is a comprehensive scholarship program that provides the early childhood workforce access to educational opportunities and is helping to establish a well-qualified, fairly compensated, and stable workforce for children. First established in 1990 in North Carolina, T.E.A.C.H. is now available in more than 25 states, including VT.
To view more information about the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont Program, please click here.
VTAEYC provides funding and counseling for the T.E.A.C.H. scholarships and provides supports for the Vermont Department of Labor aspects of VECEAP.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont pays for 100% of tuition and books, provides an access stipend each semester, reimburses the program for a portion of the release time given, provides a $400 contract completion bonus for apprentices and provides counseling and administrative support for the program, including:
conducts outreach and orientation
provides materials for apprentice/mentor teams, maintains files
collects monthly documentation for apprentices and mentors
offers support to all participants throughout the course of the apprenticeship program
As long as funds are available, and as long as both the ECE program and apprentice continue to be eligible, T.E.A.C.H. will award scholarship contract renewals so the apprentice can continue taking courses. At the conclusion of the Apprenticeship Program, the apprentice and sponsoring program will have the option of rolling into a T.E.A.C.H. Associate Degree Scholarship.
For More Information:
Visit the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont page or contact the Career Advancement Team at with specific questions at teachearlychildhooodvermont@vtaeyc.org or by calling (802) 234-1090, ext. 1

Ready to Join an Apprentice Team?
Complete an application to become an apprentice or contact us to become a mentor.