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VTAEYC News: Program quality and advancing our workforce

By Sharron Harrington

Dear colleagues,

This morning, I had the honor of giving a plenary talk to the early childhood educators attending the ECE Institute. What I told them is that the laser focus of VTAEYC is retaining and recruiting our early childhood education workforce. And I talked about how we’re doing this in a way that’s sustainable for the long term.

Every day, early childhood educators tell us exactly what they need to run their programs and to create rich learning opportunities for young children: resources and respect.

So we’re strengthening program quality through our System for Program Access to Resources for Quality Supports (SPARQS), and we’re taking steps to request the state of Vermont establish an early childhood education profession so that well-prepared, well-compensated early childhood educators hold an individual license to practice.

Our proposal includes strong recommendations approved by Vermont’s ECE workforce, crosswalked with partners in higher ed, and aligned with efforts to create a national profession. Our Task Force—the early childhood educator leaders of this initiative—made sure our recommendations take care of our current workforce, with supports, flexibility, and attention to the needs of educators in all settings.

Our SPARQS and Advancing Early Childhood Education as a Profession initiatives are so important that you can subscribe to receive special updates about each of them. Manage your preferences here to make sure you get the news you need.

In the meantime, it’s August. Back to school season impacts all of us, even when our programs are year-round. See some resources below for navigating, and celebrating, this time of transition.


NAEYC Resources for Back to School Transitions

NAEYC offers a wealth of transition resources for both major life events—moving from an ECE program to kindergarten, or changing ECE jobs—to everyday classroom routines.

The end of summer is traditionally a time of profound change for educators and young learners alike. Whether you are going back to school or never left, early childhood educators know how challenging transitions can be! Navigating these changes can be difficult but NAEYC is here to help.

Career Changes

Daily Routines and Classroom Transitions

Varying Abilities and Family Contexts

From Home to Early Ed

From Early Ed to K3

Make Transitions Work for You! More Back to School Resources from NAEYC

VTAEYC Annual Conference: Member Registration Open Now!

October 28+29
Killington, VT

Member registration is open now, and general registration opens Thursday, August 8! VTAEYC+NAEYC Members get early registration access and special member rates.

Join us for fun workshops and lively discussions about early childhood education, and explore new ways to support your personal wellness, learning through play, and leadership skills. The conference will feature over 40 workshops across six breakout sessions, two keynote presentations, and a variety of networking opportunities.

Register for VTAEYC’s Annual Conference

NAEYC Annual Conference: Early Bird Registration is Open

November 6-9
Anaheim, CA

Registration and housing for NAEYC’s 2024 Annual Conference is now open!

NAEYC’s Annual Conference is November 6-9 in Anaheim, CA. Join VTAEYC and colleagues from NAEYC affiliates around the country for the largest early childhood education conference in the world!

Learn more and register for NAEYC’s Annual Conference

SPARQS Update: One Year In

SPARQS launched just one year ago with funding from the CDD and partnership with Vermont Afterschool, and is now fully implemented!

SPARQS has three components: quality coaching and support services, program assessments for Vermont’s revised STARS, and administration and support for Vermont Early Childhood Networks. These components support continuous program quality improvement, offering evidence-based, flexible, equitable resources to each program in Vermont’s mixed-delivery early childhood education system.

Curious about SPARQS resources and how the system responds to programs’ needs? Take a look at our latest update for a sample.

See the Latest SPARQS Update

Learn More About SPARQS

Subscribe for SPARQS Updates

RFP for Statewide Network Facilitators

VTAEYC is seeking experienced and dynamic facilitators for four statewide networks aimed at supporting and enhancing the professional development of early childhood educators in Vermont. The early childhood professional peer networks include:

  • Directors Network
  • Family Child Care Home Network
  • Infant-Toddler Professionals Network
  • Preschool Professionals Network

    Interested candidates should submit the following:

  • A cover letter outlining their experience and suitability for the role
  • A resume or CV highlighting relevant experience
  • A proposal outlining their approach to facilitating the network, including methods for engaging members and developing training content
  • Contact information for at least two professional references

Read the Request for Proposals
Submit Your Proposal

First Children’s Finance Offers Stipended Business Plan Development Cohort

From First Children’s Finance:

From September-January, First Children’s Finance will host a cohort for child care entrepreneurs who want to complete a business plan and financial projections. Limited to 15 current or aspiring child care owners and directors, this cohort will help you write a business plan, make connections with financial institutions, regulators and peers, and create financial projections for your business. Participants who successfully complete their business plan and financial projections will receive a stipend of $5,000. In addition, participants in the cohort are eligible for 6 hours of Professional Development credit. This project is funded by Let’s Grow Kids through a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

To request more information or an application, email First Children’s Finance at

Act Now! Due August 15:
Apply for a VTAEYC Exchange Fellowship

Apply for the VTAEYC 2024 Exchange Program!

Are you ready to make a difference? VTAEYC’s 2024 Exchange Program is now accepting applications! This year’s theme is Action Through Advocacy, and we’re looking for fellows who are passionate about community, equity, the planet, or creative arts.

Stipend: $1,200 for the 9-month fellowship (October 2024 – June 2025)
Focus Areas: Community, Equity, Planet, Creative Arts
Application Deadline: August 15, 2024

Learn more and apply:

More Upcoming Dates from VTAEYC and Partners

Visit our Events Calendar

SPARQS: CLASS Observer Certification Training, August 21-23

SPARQS: Promoting Staff Retention Using a Capacity-Building Framework for Supervisory Coaching, August 22

(Hartford VECN) Early Childhood Professional Network: Mini-Conference, September 14, Lebanon, NH

Register: Vermont Child Care Providers Association Annual Conference, September 21, Burlington

Register: Vermont Afterschool Annual Conference, October 24+25, Sugarbush, Warren

Member Registration Open: VTAEYC Annual Conference, October 28+29, Killington