Update of Vermont’s Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program
The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VTAEYC) is seeking a consultant or consulting group to research and make recommendations to update the design of the Vermont Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program. The goal is to create an Apprenticeship program as a preparation pathway that is well-aligned with best practices and Vermont’s early childhood education systems, leverages available systems and resources, attracts a robust number of apprentices and mentors, and plays an important role in building the diverse, dynamic, well-prepared early childhood education workforce needed in Vermont.
Recommendations should consider:
- the design of ECE Apprenticeship models in other states
- the design of other Registered Apprenticeship models in Vermont
- alignment with the three designations outlined in the Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession
- alignment with Vermont’s current licensing and professional development systems
- alignment with current and likely future offerings with Vermont higher education programs, especially the Community College of Vermont
- alignment with and connections to the newly established Pre-Apprenticeship program for high school students within CTE centers
- alignment with and connections to the emerging child care workforce preparation programs for adults within CTE centers, such as “Step Up to Childcare”
- connections with the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® VERMONT scholarship program and the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center’s Apprenticeship models
- availability of state and federal funding sources for Apprenticeship and early childhood education workforce development programs
Deliverables will include:
- Summary of findings from assessment of current Vermont ECE Apprenticeship Program
- Summary of research into other states, industries, models, and funding sources
- Recommended design of Vermont’s ECE Apprenticeship model including implications for implementation, budget, staffing, and alignment/integration with other programs and systems
- Summary of potential funding sources for Vermont ECE Apprenticeship program, including analysis on any potential new federal funding sources
- Presentation and discussion of findings and recommendations
The project would ideally commence in February 2022 and would need to be completed by June 30, 2022. The maximum project budget is $30,000.
To apply, the consultant should email a proposal to VTAEYC’s ECE Workforce Development Director Brenda Schramm (brenda.schramm@vtaeyc.org) by Monday, February 7 that outlines:
- Relevant skills and experience of the consultant(s)
- Proposed project plan including timeline for deliverables
- Proposed project budget
Please include a resume or CV for the lead consultant(s).