From Rachel Hunter, Advancing ECE as a Profession Outreach Coordinator:
Being part of the VTAEYC Advancing as a Profession project is so inspiring. Before COVID-19 hit, I met with many of you to talk about our Task Force\’s work on Professional Identity and to build a statewide network of conversations moving us toward workforce-wide consensus.

And then after COVID-19 hit, we launched our first Professional Development session: Advancing ECE as a Profession in Vermont, Session One, to continue these conversations about advancing. It was exciting work and incredibly energizing to connect with SO many from the Early Childhood Education workforce.
The most common questions from our statewide conversations and our PD sessions were: “How can I be more involved?” and “What can I do next?”
I’m excited to offer a suggestion.
We are inviting you to host a virtual Unifying Framework Watch & Talk gathering with friends and colleagues.
What does that mean? Here is a chance for you to continue talking about what it means for ECE to advance as a recognized profession, in Vermont and nationally. Invite your colleagues, coworkers, and the groups you belong to such as Starting Points, Director’s Groups, Regional Building Bright Futures Councils, and stakeholder groups.
How does this work? Click the link for NAEYC\’s step-by-step guide for hosting virtual Watch & Talk gatherings online, including discussion questions.
Here are NAEYC\’s tips for a successful Watch & Talk party:
1. Get familiar – visit to review the Unifying Framework document and Executive Summary.
2. Get connected – invite your ECE networks, allies, and friends!
3. Get talking – you can use the online platform of your choice. People can use the chat box feature to note questions and comments during the video. Watch the video at the same time, and then regroup to discuss.
Here\’s the link to NAEYC\’s Unifying Framework video. Share this with your group – try to all watch it at the same time.
We\’re working hard to Advance ECE as a Recognized Profession here in Vermont, and VTAEYC has videos describing our project. You may want to watch these, too! Here\’s the link.
Plan to host a Watch & Talk party? Please let us know how it went! Drop me an email and let me know the date, send photos of your gathering, mention what you discussed. Most importantly – have fun with this new opportunity designed to bring people together.